Colectivo Parapente Photo by Arnau Pascual

COLECTIVO ARTÍSTICO PARAPENTE is the transformation and new chapter for MARABULA barcelona • berlin, initiated by the relocation of its heart and core back on the Iberian peninsula.

Bringing together artists with a common understanding and complementary standpoints regarding the creative process, COLECTIVO ARTÍSTICO PARAPENTE ignites art projects for social impact and collective debate within a wide spectrum of stage productions, performance acts, audiovisual interventions and art installations.

Colectivo Parapente proposes artistic research as a starting point for dialogue meant to discover new forms of physicality where the sensorial act prevails and leads the way towards common poetic grounds nourished by a unique range of diverse creative narratives.

Our projects find alliance and support in cultural institutions such as Teatre Lliure, Mercat de Les Flors, Antic Teatre, Centro cultural de España en México, FONCA y CONACULTA, Carme Teatre, Festival Nu2's, Festival NOF, CONCA, Goethe Institut, Embajada Española en Johannesburgo, Institut Français, Institut Ramón Llull, Dance Umbrella, National Arts Festival (SA).

Colectivo Parapente has had artístic residencies at: L'animal a l'esquena, L'Estruch, Centro de Investigación multimedia del Centro Nacional de la Artes de México, Hangar Barcelona,  Sala Taller22, Laboratori Tísner, C.C. El Sortidor, Estudis de Teatre, Central del Circ, Carme Teatre Valencia, Espai La Granja, Espai Cankun-Vallgorguina, Ateneu Sant Celoni,  Studio 44 - Berlin (DE), Üferstudios - Berlin (DE), CulturArte - Maputo (MZ), La Villete - París (FR), Random Collision - Groningen (NL), KORZO - La Haya (NL), Marameo, Berlin (DE).

Parapente's Creations have toured around Spain, Mexico, South Africa, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Greece, amongst others.

Ángeles Císcar photo

Ángeles Císcar

Degree in plastic arts at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Stage studies at the Jacques Lecoq school, Paris . Scenography at Institute del Teatre, Barcelona. Postgraduate in Visual Arts at the UNAM of Mexico. She is currently studying the Ecofeminism: Thought, Culture and Praxis I diploma at the University of Valladolid, Spain.
She belonged to Amaranto Creation Collective in which she worked as a scenographer and performer. She was a resident artist at Hangar and at the National Arts Center, Mexico City's Multimedia Center. In addition to the creation of her own work, has collaborated with other companies and artists such as Teatro Línea de sombra, Gelabert-Azzopardi, MARABULA barcelona • berlin, Wilky_troc among others.

She has taught various art subjects related to the body in various universities in Mexico such as the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado la Esmeralda or the Claustro de Sor Juana.
Currently committed to social goals that pursue equality and ecological awareness conducting all her teaching and artistic activity in this direction.

Hansel Nezza Photo

Hansel Nezza

Born in Barcelona, studies scenic arts, following Jacques Lecoq pedagogy.Currently developing his work with Parapente and collaborating with the Cia. Vero Cendoya.
He has worked in Berlin as a performer, creator and dancer with, among others, Constanza Macras / Dorky Park, Berliner Philharmonie, and as a choreographic assistant in Der Tod in Venedig by Thomas Ostermeier, at the Schaubühne Berlin. In Berlin he continues his training with Jeremi Nelson, Kirstie Simpson, Julyen Hamilton, Susan Klein, Hanna Hegenscheidt, and Juan Kruz de Garaio Esnaola (Sasha Waltz & Guests) among others.

As a creator he collaborates with plastic artists, musicians, multimedia artists, developing creations from different scenic disciplines; working in Mexico, the Netherlands, Greece, South Africa, Germany, Spain, Mozambique, ...

Conducts movement and physicality workshops for dance and theater companies, such as Sol Picó-La Piconera, Centre de Dansa de Catalunya, Random Collision (NL), Forgotten Angle Theater (SA), and masterclasses at Korzo Theater, Fachhochschule Potsdam, and Goethe Institute.
He has also studied a master course's degree in Nalanda Philosophy at Tibet House, New Delhi.

Kermés Teatro Photo

Kermes Teatro

Theater company based in Granada, Kermés Teatre are Irene Molina and Stéphanie Mouton

Irene Molina: Diplomada en Arts Escèniques sota la metodologia de Lecoq, completa la seva formació en interpretació i dansa amb professionals com Manuel Lillo, Txiqui Berraondo o Andrés Corchero.
Col·labora amb companyies com MARABULA barcelona • berlin, Colectivo La Zurda, o el Teatro de los Sentidos entre altres. Col·labora també amb entitats i plataformes dedicades a la pràctica del teatre com a eina de transformació social.

Stéphanie Mouton: Formada en arts escèniques, és actriu, sociòloga i facilitadora de processos de canvi personal i col·lectiu a través del teatre, el moviment i la pràctica artística.



EFÍMERES created in Barcelona, 2021, gathers three artístic powered women with a long career in the Barcelona Underground scene.

Laura Maure: Composer, singer and creator. Involved in several cultural projects and constantly experimenting with different artístic disciplines
Mati Pando: Composer, singer and writer. Vinculada amb l'àmbit educatiu a través de la música. An active performer in scenic arts and musical projects.
Leti Rodríguez: Multidisciplinary plastic artist, drummer and singer, immersa al món educatiu, acompanya processos creatius des de la perspectiva transfeminista.

Liannallull/Jordi Espinach

Jordi Espinach

Jordi Espinach started writting and composing songs in the 90's. together with Anna Capacés, Toni López and Edu Chirinos (Las Ruinas), started a new musical project, Kitou.
Started his own musical project, Liannallull. Catalan songwriting under the influence of psychedelic neo-folk bands such as Devendra Banhart and anglosaxon music. Furthermore he composed music for stage performances and theater pieces such as Cenital or Inter.Fear, both directed by Hansel Nezza. As a writer has been awarded for his short stories and has finished writting his second book "Cargo".
In 2022 composed part of the original soundtrack for the film l'Últim Salt, by Nando Caballero. Has released seven albums and several singles with Liannallull, an album with Las Ruinas and an Lp and Ep with Llum Pepa and the Beats.
He has been member of different musical projects such as Esperit! or Le Petit Ramon.

Elpida Theodorakakou

Elpida Theodorakakou

Project Management for Social Impact.
With a background in performing arts and over fifteen years of professional experience in project management, she designs and runs projects with a passion for creating a positive impact and making a difference. A firm believer that art, culture and experiential learning are driving forces towards social transformation and change.

Gemma Pastor

Gemma Pastor

Licenciada en comunicación audiovisual, ha desarrollado gran parte de su carrera profesional como editora y ayudante de realización en series de televisión, programas y documentales para las principales cadenas nacionales, en productoras como Mediapro, el Terrat, Gestmusic, o Lavinia, entre otras, y plataformas de streaming como Netflix y Amazon Prime.

Compagina su trabajo audiovisual con su pasión por las artes escénicas y la escritura. Es autora de las obras de teatro Experimento Milgram, Flamingos Club, Generación Selfie o Igual que un pez necesita una bicicleta, de las que dirije también las dos primeras.
Con MARABULA barcelona • berlin participa en la videoinstalación audiovisual interactiva Cámara Oscura y la pieza escénica Cenital.

Meritxell Checa

Meritxell Checa

Nascuda a Sabadell al 1983, estudia durant anys diferents disciplines artístiques dintre del món de la dansa de manera independent, finalitza els seus estudis al 2008 a la universitat alemanya Folkwang Hochshule d'Essen.
Durant la seva carrera, Meritxell ha combinat la seva pròpia creació artística, anomenada wilky_troc (on destaquen obres com "Last Picture", "Protocolo" o "Etairas"), amb el treball com a intèrpret amb diferents artistes i companyies internacionals: al 2006 treballa amb Alias Compagnie (Suïssa), de 2007 al 2011 és ballarina convidada del Tanztheater Wuppertal von Pina Bausch (Alemanya); i al 2009 de Johannes Wieland al Staatstheater Kassel (Alemanya). Des de 2010 treballa amb DCA-Phillippe Decouflé (França); i des del 2016 amb Stopgap Dance Company (Anglaterra).
Al 2015 Meritxell crea el projecte Tanztheater Social Projet TTSP per portar la creació i la dansa a grups de persones no professionals i/o amb diversitat funcional.

Anna Capacés

Anna Capacés

Actriu de teatre i cinema. Creadora i directora escènica. Performer. Cantant i percussionista.
Pedagoga teatral postgraduada per l'Institut del Teatre de Vic i professora de teatre al Centre Municipal d'Expressió de Sant Celoni. Actualment és membre de la Companyia Teatre del Bosc, de Joan Baixas. Ha format part de les companyies Milan Caminart Group (CCCB), Atelier Maria Stoyanova (Antic Teatre), MARABULA barcelona • berlín (Korzo Theater).
En els darrers anys, ha col·laborat com a assessora de direcció i performer en diferents companyíes de dansa i teatre.
Des de ben jove, ha impulsat propostes culturals alternatives, liderant productores com La Poca Farina Produccions i Teatre de Garatge, o espais escènics com Taller22, un referent de l'escena underground barcelonina dels 2000. Ha estat veu principal i autora a les formacions de pop-rock:  Kitou, Llum Pepa and the Beats i Liannallull.

Linn Johansson

Linn Johansson

Linn Johansson es dedica a la dansa, la performance i la pedagogia del moviment. Es forma en el Royal Ballet School d'Estocolm, i continua els seus estudis a París i Nova York.
Ofereix classes de dansa contemporània, entrenament físic i improvisació en diversos centres i escoles a Suècia i Espanya des de 2001, en la ACIDH (Associació Catalana d'Integració i Desenvolupament Humà) per a persones amb diversitat funcional, entre altres.
Col·laboradora artística amb Andrés Waksman des de 2001, a més de Roseland Musical, Konic theatre, Leo Castro, Vero Cendoya, Experimenta Butoh, Natalia D'Annunzio entre altres. Actualment treballa com a ballarina / intèrpret en diferents projectes artístics.