CENITAL by Hansel Nezza & Ángeles Ciscar

In Cenital the poetical world discovered in Cámara Oscura is transformed into a stage code version. The observed, the one who helps from outside, the one who inspires, the change, the one who is affected, the falling... The visitors enter an intimate space where the unstoppable deconstruction of the character is unfolding.
Cenital is a performance piece that combines movement, video projection and live music by Liannallull. A kaleidoscope built live on stage, reflecting on the deconstruction of identity; a visual game that shows different points of view around the same situation in a sensitive and intimate world. This creation is the stage evolution of the interactive installation piece Cámara Oscura, presented in Mercat de les Flors Barcelona.

"What we observe is not the nature in itself, is the nature exposed to our way of observing"

Werner Heisenberg, physic and mathematician (1901/1976)


Creation & performance: Ángeles Ciscar & Hansel Nezza
Live Music: Liannallull
Voice Coaching: Anna Capacés
Video Edition: Gemma Pastor
Musical Composition: Liannallull & Hansel Nezza
Software & Technical Assistance: Yoann Trellu
Production: Agnes Forn
Assist Production: Marisol Sánchez & Elpida Theodorakakou
Coproduction: MARABULA barcelona • berlin & Escena Digital.
With the collaboration of Üferstudios Berlin, Institut Ramon Llull.
Thanks to: Studio 44 Berlin, La Casa Espinach-Capacés, Meritxell Checa, Milena Meyer, C.C. Sortidor, El CuenCO, Troca Teatre, Plataforma Iberoamerikanisches Festival, PFADFINDEREI.

